San Pedro de Atacama to Uyuni tour. Part 1.

I am ready for my 3 day tour into Bolivia, via the salt flats of Uyuni (and many other highlights).  I have seen most of the sights in San Pedro and feel acclimatised after some high altitude excursions. I am picked up as the first one around 7.10am, we drive around and get 5 more…

​Atacama Desert. Salar de Tara.

I love the wide open, volcanic, dusty, arid landscape around San Pedro de Atacama and stayed longer than planned, spending lots of money on awesome tours. My last one shall lead to the Salar de Tara, the salt flat of Tara.  Pick up is at 8am and we head out of town of the road…

​Atacama Desert. Piedras Rojas and Tatio Geysirs. 

A day trip to the red rocks, piedras Rojas, is booked for today and since 7am I am waiting to be picked up. It’s 7.50am when Flamingo Tours finally get me, they didn’t even know where to find my (relatively new) hostel and Chris and Mim had to provide directions. We head first to the…

​Atacama Desert 

I can hardly believe it but I am now already in San Pedro de Atacama. My last stop in Chile. My initial plan was to end my time out here and then fly back from Santiago. As I could spend less time in Patagonia though due to the coming winter, I made the new plan…

Valparaiso – a beautiful mess

Some 100km west of Santiago at the sea is the city Valparaiso. It’s much bigger than I thought initially and it’s full of colours. Colourful houses, colourful street art everywhere. I spent 1.5 days walking around the town, torn between the loud, busy, noisy big streets I don’t like and all the great vibes, colours,…

2 days in Santiago de Chile 

After all the nature and rather small cities, Santiago is on my way further up north and I need at least make a short stop there. After not enjoying that much being in Buenos Aires, I like that I can stay in Santiago as long or short as I spontaneously want. It’s off season and…

​A day hike in the Huerquehue park to Cerro San Sebastian 

After the perfect day yesterday hiking up the Villarrica, I slept quite early. At 7.15am I still feel tired but I get up anyway. My bus leaves at 8.30am for the Huerquehue national park. I enjoy the silence and space in the kitchen when having my breakfast, the volcanoe hikers already left and the others…

​Hiking the active volcanoe Villarrica. Fun and lava. 

Most people come to Pucón to climb the active volcanoe Villarrica. Of course I have to do it as well! So when finally the weather was up for it, half of the hostel is up at 6am. With the climb come a lot of regulations now, due to some accidents in the past. An agency…

​Pucón. El Cañi Hike and Horse back riding. 

Since I arrived in Pucón the weather has been bad at a point that I didn’t even see the volcanoe (in the end I finally get to see it in the evening of day 3). Day 1 was easily spent just hanging out.  Day 2 was tougher, I didn’t want to spend a lot of…

​San Martin de los Andes and Pucón. Rain. 

I leave Bariloche a bit disappointed as I couldn’t do all the hikes. The bus tour to San Martín de Los Andes is beautiful as I chose the scenic Ruta de los 7 Lagos option and got a window seat at the right side of the bus thanks to friendly bus agency staff. The mountains…

Torres del Paine. Q-Circuit part 2.

​Day 4. Los Perros to Campsite Grey.  The rangers made everyone who hikes to Grey leave at 7am. Supposedly it will take 11h, but it’s only 14km and the pass is just at 1200m elevation – for me not such a big deal but many others are a bit scared… I get up at 6.15am,…